Genon Alexandre
Chercheur - Vérification de systèmes distribués
Mon CV :
Bureau :
Batiment NO, local N8.207
Tel :
02/650 5857
E-mail :
Adresse :
Université Libre de Bruxelles Département d'Informatique Boulevard du Triomphe - CP212 1050 Bruxelles Belgium
Publications :
The formal design of distributed controllers with \dSL and Spin
B. De Wachter, A. Genon, T. Massart and C. Meuter.
To appear in Formal Aspects of Computing - Special issue for AVOCS'03
From static code distribution to more shrinkage for the multiterminal cut.
B. De Wachter, A. Genon, T. Massart.
Accepted in 4th international Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms.
Postscript presentation
On the Verification of dSL, a language to design distributed industrial control systems
DEA thesis
Distributed Analysis of Extended Petri Nets
Master Thesis
Boss :
Thierry Massart
Collègues :
Bram De Wachter
Cedric Meuter
Liens :
The Formal Methods and Verification Group at ULB.
Département d'informatique.
Macq Electronique.
dSL project.
Teaching :
As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.
M. Cartmill