Genon Alexandre

Chercheur - Vérification de systèmes distribués

Mon CV : doc, ps, pdf.
Bureau : Batiment NO, local N8.207
Tel : 02/650 5857
E-mail :
Adresse : Université Libre de Bruxelles
Département d'Informatique
Boulevard du Triomphe - CP212
1050 Bruxelles

Publications :
  • The formal design of distributed controllers with \dSL and Spin
    B. De Wachter, A. Genon, T. Massart and C. Meuter.
    To appear in Formal Aspects of Computing - Special issue for AVOCS'03

  • From static code distribution to more shrinkage for the multiterminal cut.
    B. De Wachter, A. Genon, T. Massart.
    Accepted in 4th international Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms.
    Postscript presentation

  • On the Verification of dSL, a language to design distributed industrial control systems
    DEA thesis

  • Distributed Analysis of Extended Petri Nets
    Master Thesis
    Boss : Thierry Massart
    Collègues : Bram De Wachter
    Cedric Meuter

    Liens : The Formal Methods and Verification Group at ULB.
    Département d'informatique.
    Macq Electronique.
    dSL project.

    Teaching : Teaching

    As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.
    M. Cartmill