Birth : | March 18th, 1982 |
Surface Mail : |
Park Plaza, Bat. A, Bureau 123 Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne 40, avenue Halley 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, FRANCE phone: +33 (0)359577863 fax: +33 (0)328778537 |
E-Mail : | at filiot |
2000 : | Scientific French Baccalaureat (High school graduation in mathematics and physics) with honors. |
2000-2002 : | French Scientific "DEUG" at university of Valenciennes (France), a post-secondary scientific programme in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. |
July 2002 : | DEUG diploma major with honors. |
2002-2004 : | Studies at Ecole Normale Superieure de LYON, a leading School for Scientific Research in France (see the course program description). |
2004-2005 : | Master Thesis at LIFL supervised by Joachim Niehren, Jean-Marc Talbot and Sophie Tison. Major, with honours. |
2005-2008 : | Phd at LIFL and INRIA Futurs supervised by Jean-Marc Talbot and Sophie Tison. Subject: N-ary queries in semi-structured documents. |
October 2008-now : | PostDoc at Universite Libre de Bruxelles in the Research Group in Formal Methods and Verification. |
Practical training
September-October 2004 : | Participation to the Pascal Challenge (information extraction contest from textual documents) |
Summer 2004 : | a 2 months research internship at LIFL (Computer Science labaratory in Lille (France)) supervised by J. Niehren,
M. Tommasi and S. Tison Subject : Unranked Tree Automata and implementation in OCaml |
Summer 2003 : | a 2 months research internship at the Catholic University of
Leuven (Belgium) supervised by Stefan Raeymaekers and Maurice
Bruynooghe Subject : design of an algorithm which converts a set of (k,l)-forks into an unranked tree automaton which recognizes the same unranked tree language |
Teaching experience
2003-2004 : | Teaching assistant in Computer Science in French "classes preparatoires" at Lycee La Martinière in Lyon (France), a post-secondary intensive programme emphasizing mathematics and physics and leading to a competitive examination for admission to national graduate-level enginneering schools ("Grandes Ecoles"). |
2005-2006 : | Teaching assistant in Master1. Advanced Algorithmic and Complexity. Course from Sophie Tison. |
2006-2007 : | Teaching assistant in Master1. Advanced Algorithmic and Complexity. Course from Sophie Tison. |
2006-2007 : | Teaching assistant in Master1. Data-mining. Course from Francesco de Comité. |
Languages :
Technical Skills
Hobbies :
Music (double bassist), cinema.