Development and Validation of Distributed Reactive Control Systems,
PhD Thesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2008
On the Complexity of Partial Order Trace Model Checking,
Thierry Massart,Cédric Meuter, Laurent Van Begin, in
Information Processing Letter
volume 106 (3), appril 2008 [
Testing Distributed Systems through Symbolic Model Checking of Traces,
Gabriel Kalyon, Thierry Massart, Cédric Meuter and Laurent Van Begin,
In proceedings of the the 27th International Conference on Formal Methods
for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE'07),
LNCS 4574, Tallinn (Estonia), June 27-29, 2007
This paper received the Best Paper Awards!
Symbolic Data Structure for Sets of k-uples of Integers,
Pierre Ganty, Cédric Meuter, Laurent Van Begin, Gabriel Kalyon, Jean-François Raskin and Giorgio Delzanno,
Technical Report, 2007
Monitoring distributed controllers: When an efficient LTL algorithm on sequences is needed to model check traces,
Alexandre Genon, Thierry Massart and Cédric Meuter,
in proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on
Formal Methods (FM'06), LNCS 4085, Hamilton (Canada), August 14-15, 2006
Efficient online monitoring of LTL properties for asynchronous distributed systems,
Thierry Massart and Cédric Meuter,
Technical report, 2006
Algorithmique I,
Olivier Markowitch, Nicolás González-Deleito, Eythan Levy, Cédric Meuter,
Notes de cours, 2ème et 3ème éditions, Presse Universitaire de Bruxelles, année académique 2006-2007
The formal design of distributed controllers with dSL and Spin,
Bram De Wachter, Alexandre Genon, Thierry Massart and
Cédric Meuter, in Formal Aspects of Computing
volume 17 (2), august 2005
dSL : An environment with automatic code distribution for industrial control systems,
Bram De Wachter, Thierry Massart and Cédric Meuter,
in proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Principles of Distributed System
(OPODIS'03), LNCS 3144, La Martinique (France), Decembre 10-13, 2003
An experiment on synthesis and verification of an industrial process control in the dSL environnment,
Bram De Wachter, Thierry Massart and Cédric Meuter,
in proceeding of the 3rd Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems
(AVoCS'03), Southampton (UK), April 2-3, 2003
Distribution of reactive systems,
Advanced Studies in Computer Science (DEA en Science, filière Informatique), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2003
Compilation et Répartition de programme Electre pour Lego Minstorm(tm),
Master Thesis (Maîtrise en Informatique), Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2002