Ph.D., INRIA Lille, 2008.
FNRS Senior Research Associate (Maître de recherche)
Formal Methods and Verification Research Group
Computer Science Dpt, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Mail: Département d’Informatique CP 212 / ULB – Campus de la Plaine, Bd du Triomphe, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
- Office: NO Building, Floor 8, office 2.N8.111
- Phone: +32 (0) 2 650 58 27
- Email: efiliot at ulb dot be
- Automata models and their connection to logics
- Automata-theoretic methods for program synthesis
- Game theory and reactive synthesis
- Theory of automata with outputs (transducers, weighted automata)
- Synthesis of infinite-state systems (data automata, counter systems, …)
- 2024-now. FNRS/FWO Weave Project on reactive synthesis and learning. coPI with Guillermo Perez (UAntwerpen).
- 2019-2023. FNRS MIS Project SYNAPSE. Synthesis of Data-Processing Systems. PI.
- 2016-2018. FNRS CDR Project Flare. A Shift from Languages to Relations. PI.
- 2015-2018. ARC Project TRANSFORM. Theoretical Foundations of Transformations. PI.
- 2014-2018. ANR Project ExStream. Extensions of Stream Processing. Partner
- Nino Dauvier (Master in CS, Aix-Marseille University), 2024-now, co-supervised with Pierre-Alain Reynier.. Funded by Aix-Marseille University.
- Allen Joseph (Master in CS, Chennai Mathematical Institute), 2024-now, co-supervised with Guillermo Perez. Funded by an FNRS PDR project.
- Mrudula Balachander (Master in CS, Chennai Mathematical Institute), 2022-now, co-supervised with Jean-François Raskin. Funded by FNRS (aspirant).
- Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot (Master in CS, ENS Cachan), co-supervised with O. Carton, 2019-2023.
- Nicolas Mazzocchi (Master in CS, ENS Cachan), PhD, co-supervised with Jean-François Raskin. 2016-2020. Subject: Decidable formalisms for quantitative verification. Funded by FRIA.
- Léo Exibard (Master in CS, ENS Lyon), PhD, co-supervised with Pierre-Alain Reynier. 2017-2021. Subject:Transducers of words over infinite alphabets. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at Université Gustave Eiffel (Paris).
- Ismaël JeckerIsmaël Jecker (Master in Mathematics, EPFL), PhD. 2015-2019. Funded by FNRS. Now Assistant Professor at Université de Franche-Comté.
- Nathan Lhote (Master in CS, ENS Rennes), PhD, Start: 2015-2018. Co-supervised with O. Gauwin (Labri) and A. Muscholl (Labri). Funded by French ANR project EXSTREAM. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at Aix-Marseille University.
- Rodica Bozianu (Master in CS, ENS Cachan), PhD, ULB/Paris 12, co-supervised with Catalin Dima. 2013-2016. Now lecturer at University of Iasi.
- Brett McLean (PhD University College London), 2025-2028. Funded by FNRS (Chargé de recherche)
- Scott Buckley (PhD University New South Wales), 2024. Now postdoc at University New South Wales
- Edwin Hamel-De le Court (PhD Rouen, 2019), 2021-2023, now postdoc at Imperial College London
- Sarah Winter (PhD RWTH Aachen) FNRS postdoc, 2019-2023, now assistant professor at Université Paris-Cité (IRIF).
- Ayrat Khalimov(PhD TU Graz) MIS project SYNAPSE, 2019-2023. Now postdoc at TU Clausthal, Germany.
- Luc Dartois (PhD at LIAFA, Paris 7), 2015-2018. Funded by ARC Project TRANSFORM. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at Université Paris-Est
- Co-organizer of Dagstuhl seminar 23202 on “Regular transformations”, May 2023
- Workshop chair of CONFEST 2023: submit your proposal !
- PC member of FOSSACS 2023, MOVEP 2022, CIAA 2022, CONCUR 2021, SYNT 2021, LICS 2020, RP 2018, DLT 2017, Highlights of Logics, Automata and Games, 2017, Strategic Reasoning 2017, TTATT 2016, CSL 2016, TTATT 2013
- Co-chair of the conference RP 2019 (reachability problems). Submit you contribution !
- Co-organiser of Dagstuhl seminar 17142 on Formal Methods of Transformations, 2017.
- Co-organizer of Highlights of Automata, Logics, and Games, 6-9 September, 2016, Brussels
- Organizer of Trends in Tree Automata and Tree Transducers (TTATT)
- Google Scholar
- PhD Thesis: Logics for n-ary queries in trees
- Acacia+, a tool for LTL synthesis (2012, no longer maintained, please contact me for source code)
- Tree automata library in OCaml (2004, no longer maintained, please contact me for source code)
SELECTED presentations
- Reactive synthesis over infinite data domains: here
- On some transducer synthesis problems: here
- Lecture on basics of finite transducers (EJCIM summer school): here
- Specification and synthesis of finite word transductions: here
- Logic-automata connections for transformations (with a sketch of proof for 2DFT / MSOT equivalence): here
- Survey on word transducers: here
- Transducer theory and streaming transformations: here
- Tutorial on queries on trees: here
- Tutorial on determinization of Büchi automata: here
Since 2013, I’m teaching “Foundations of Computer Science” at ULB, Bachelor in CS, 3rd year. The lecture introduces basic concepts of theoretical CS including: logics (boolean, first-order), proof systems, SAT/constraint solving, complexity theory including NP-hardness, computability, finite automata, program proofs.
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