Ph.D., INRIA Lille, 2008.

FNRS Senior Research Associate (Maître de recherche)

Computer Science DptUniversité libre de Bruxelles



  • Mail: Département d’Informatique CP 212 / ULB – Campus de la Plaine, Bd du Triomphe, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Office: NO Building, Floor 8, office 2.N8.111
  • Phone: +32 (0) 2 650 58 27
  • Email: efiliot at ulb dot be


  • Automata models and their connection to logics
  • Automata-theoretic methods for program synthesis
  • Game theory and reactive synthesis
  • Theory of automata with outputs (transducers, weighted automata)
  • Synthesis of infinite-state systems (data automata, counter systems, …)


  • 2024-now. FNRS/FWO Weave Project on reactive synthesis and learning. coPI with Guillermo Perez (UAntwerpen).
  • 2019-2023. FNRS MIS Project SYNAPSE. Synthesis of Data-Processing Systems. PI.
  • 2016-2018. FNRS CDR Project Flare. A Shift from Languages to Relations. PI.
  • 2015-2018. ARC Project TRANSFORM. Theoretical Foundations of Transformations. PI.
  • 2014-2018. ANR Project ExStream. Extensions of Stream Processing. Partner



  •  Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot, PhD (with O. Carton), 2019-now.
  • Nicolas Mazzocchi (Master in CS), PhD, co-supervised with Jean-François Raskin. 2016-2020. Subject: Decidable formalisms for quantitative verification. Funded by FRIA.
  • Léo Exibard (Master in CS), PhD, co-supervised with Pierre-Alain Reynier. 2017-2021. Subject:Transducers of words over infinite alphabets. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at Université Gustave Eiffel (Paris).
  • Ismaël JeckerIsmaël Jecker (Master in Mathematics), PhD. 2015-2019. Funded by FNRS. Now PostDoc at Warsaw University.
  • Nathan Lhote (Master in CS), PhD, Start: 2015-2018. Co-supervised with O. Gauwin (Labri) and A. Muscholl (Labri). Funded by French ANR project EXTSTREAM. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at Aix-Marseille University.
  • Rodica Bozianu (Master in CS, MPRI, Paris), PhD, ULB/Paris 12, co-supervised with Catalin Dima. 2013-2016. Now lecturer at University of Iasi.





  • Acacia+, a tool for LTL synthesis (2012, no longer maintained, please contact me for source code)
  • Tree automata library in OCaml (2004, no longer maintained, please contact me for source code)

SELECTED presentations

  • Reactive synthesis over infinite data domains: here
  • On some transducer synthesis problems: here
  • Lecture on basics of finite transducers (EJCIM summer school): here
  • Specification and synthesis of finite word transductions: here
  • Logic-automata connections for transformations (with a sketch of proof for 2DFT / MSOT equivalence): here
  • Survey on word transducers: here
  • Transducer theory and streaming transformations: here
  • Tutorial on queries on trees: here
  • Tutorial on determinization of Büchi automata: here


Since 2013, I’m teaching “Foundations of Computer Science” at ULB, Bachelor in CS, 3rd year. The lecture introduces basic concepts of theoretical CS including: logics (boolean, first-order), proof systems, SAT/constraint solving, complexity theory including NP-hardness, computability, finite automata, program proofs.


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