Ph.D., INRIA Lille, 2008.
FNRS Senior Research
Associate ("Maître de recherche")
Computer Science
Formal Methods and
Verification Group
Université libre de Bruxelles
ULB - Campus de la Plaine
CP 212 - 1050 Bruxelles
Building: NO, Floor: 8, Office:
2. N.8. 111
+32 (0) 2 650 58 27
+32 (0) 2 650 56 09
Email: efiliot at ulb.ac.be
PC member of CONCUR 2021.
Co-chair of the conference RP 2019
(reachability problems). Submit you contribution !
PC member of LICS 2020
PC member of RP 2018
Co-organiser of Dagstuhl seminar
17142 on Formal Methods of Transformations, 2017.
PC member of DLT 2017
PC member of Highlights
of Logics, Automata and Games, 2017
PC member of
Reasoning 2017
PC member of TTATT 2016
PC member of CSL 2016
Co-organizer of Highlights of Automata, Logics, and Games, 6-9
September, 2016, Brussels
Organizer of Trends
in Tree Automata and Tree Transducers (TTATT)
PC Member of TTATT 2013
Research Interests
Automata models and their connection to logics
Automata-theoretic methods for program synthesis
Game theory and reactive synthesis
Theory of automata with outputs (transducers,
weighted automata)
Research Projects
2019-2020. FNRS MIS Project SYNAPSE. Synthesis of Data-Processing Systems. PI.
2016-2018. FNRS CDR Project Flare. A Shift
from Languages to Relations. PI.
2015-2018. ARC Project TRANSFORM. Theoretical Foundations of
Transformations. PI.
2014-2018. ANR Project ExStream. Extensions
of Stream Processing. Partner.
Master, PhD Students and PostDoc
At Highlights 2017, from left to right (Ismaël Jecker,
Nicolas Mazzocchi, Léo Exibard, Emmanuel Filiot,
Nathan Lhote, Luc Dartois)
Sarah Winter (PhD RWTH Aachen)
Post-Doc on the MYS project SYNAPSE
Khalimov(PhD TU Graz)
Post-Doc on the MYS project SYNAPSE
Douéneau-Tabot, PhD (with O. Carton), started in Sep 2019.
Nicolas Mazzocchi (Master in CS), PhD, co-supervised with Jean-François
Raskin. Start: Oct 2016. Subject: Decidable
formalisms for quantitative verification. Funded by FRIA.
Léo Exibard (Master in CS), PhD,
co-supervised with Pierre-Alain Reynier. Start: Sept
2017. Subject:Transducers of words over
infinite alphabets.
Ismaël Jecker (Master in Mathematics), PhD. 2015-2019. Funded by FNRS. Now PostDoc at IST
Austria with K. Chatterjee
Nathan Lhote (Master in CS), PhD, Start: Sept
2015. Ended in Oct 2018. Co-supervised with O. Gauwin (Labri) and
A. Muscholl (Labri). Funded by French ANR project
EXTSTREAM. Now Assistant Professor (MCF) at
Aix-Marseille University.
Luc Dartois (PhD at LIAFA, Paris 7), PostDoc
2015-2018. Funded by ARC Project TRANSFORM. Now
Assistant Professor (MCF) at Université Paris-Est
Rodica Bozianu (Master in CS, MPRI, Paris), PhD, ULB/Paris 12, co-supervised with Catalin
Dima. 2013-2016. Now lecturer at University of Iasi.
Recent Publications
Synthesis from Weighted Specifications with Partial Domains over Finite Words. With
Christof Loeding and Sarah Winter. FSTTCS 2020.
Synthesis of Computable Regular Functions of Infinite Words. With
Vrunda Dave, Nathan Lhote and Krishna S. CONCUR 2020. See an older version.
Weighted Transducers for Robustness Verification.
Emmanuel Filiot, Nicolas Mazzocchi, Jean-François Raskin, Sriram
Sankaranarayanan and Ashutosh Trivedi. CONCUR 2020.
On Computability of Data Word Functions Defined by Transducers..
Léo Exibard, Emmanuel Filiot,
Pierre-Alain Reynier. FOSSACS 2020.
The Adversarial Stackelberg Value in Quantitative Games..
Emmanuel Filiot, Raffaella Gentilini, Jean-François Raskin. ICALP
Register Transducers Are Marble Transducers..
Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot, Emmanuel Filiot, Paul Gastin. MFCS 2020.
Publications (before 2018, see DBLP for a
complete list)
International Conferences
On Canonical Models for Rational Functions over Infinite Words. With
Olivier Gauwin, Nathan Lhote and Anca Muscholl. FSTTCS'18.
The Complexity of Transducer Synthesis from Multi-Sequential Specifications. With
Léo Exibard and Ismaël Jecker. MFCS'18.
A Pattern Logic for Automata with Outputs. With
Nicolas Mazzocchi and Jean-François Raskin. DLT'18.
Rational Synthesis under Imperfect Information. With
Raffaella Gentilini and Jean-François Raskin. LICS'18.
A Decidable Logic for Transductions with Synthesis. With
Luc Dartois and Nathan Lhote. LICS'18.
Copyful Streaming String Transducers. Emmanuel Filiot,
Pierre-Alain Reynier. RP 2017
Decidable Weighted Expressions with Presburger Combinators.
Emmanuel Filiot, Nicolas Mazzocchi, Jean-François
Raskin. FCT 2017.
On Regret and Delay Determinization of Max-Plus Automata. With
Ismaël Jecker, Nathan Lhote, Guillermo A. Pérez
and Jean-François Raskin. LICS'17.
On equivalence and uniformization problems for finite
transducers. With
Ismaël Jecker, Christof Löding and Sarah Winter. Accepted to ICALP'16.
The complexity of rational synthesis. With
Rodica Bozianu, Raffaella Gentilini and Jean-François
Raskin. Accepted to ICALP'16.
[2016] Two-way
visibly pushdown automata and transducers. With
Luc Dartois, Pierre-Alain Reynier and Jean-Marc
Talbot. Accepted to LICS'16.
First-order definability of rational transductions: An algebraic approach. With
Olivier Gauwin (Labri) and Nathan Lhote (Labri-ULB). Accepted to LICS'16.
[2015] Multi-sequential Word
Relations. With Ismaël Jecker. Accepted
to DLT'15.
[2015] Decision Problems of Tree Transducers with Origin. With
Sebastian Maneth, Pierre-Alain Reynier and Jean-Marc
Talbot. To appear in ICALP'15.
[2015]Survey on Logic-Automata Connections for
Transformations. ICLA'15.
[2014] Finite Valued Weighted Automata,
with Raffaella Gentilini and Jean-François Raskin. FSTTCS'14.
[2014] Safraless Synthesis for Epistemic Temporal Specifications,
with Rodica Bozianu and Catalin Dima. CAV'14.
[2014] First-Order Definable String Transformations, with Shankara
Narayanan Krishna (IIT Bombay) and Ashutosh Trivedi (IIT
Bombay). FSTTCS'14.
Meet Your Expectations
with Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative
Games, with V. Bruyère, M. Randour and
J.-F. Raskin. STACS'14.
Doomsday Equilibria for
Omega-Regular Games, with K. Chatterjee, L. Doyen and
J.-F. Raskin. VMCAI'14.
[2013] From Two-Way to One-Way Finite State Transducers, with O. Gauwin, P.-A. Reynier, and F. Servais. Accepted to LICS 2013.
Synthesis from LTL Specifications with Mean-Payoff Objectives. A. Bohy, V. Bruyère, E. Filiot and J.-F. Raskin. Accepted to TACAS'13.
Quantitative Languages Defined by Functional Automata. E. Filiot, R. Gentilini, J.-F. Raskin. Accepted to CONCUR'12.
Regular Transformations of Infinite Strings. R. Alur,
E. Filiot and A. Trivedi. Accepted to LICS'12. .
Acacia+, a tool for LTL synthesis. A. Bohy, V. Bruyère, E. Filiot, N. Jin, J.-F. Raskin. Accepted to CAV'12. Try Acacia+ Online!
[2012] Visibly Pushdown Transducers with
Look-Ahead. E. Filiot, F. Servais. 38th International
Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer
Science (SOFSEM). 2012.
[2011] Streamability of Nested Word Transductions. E. Filiot, O. Gauwin, P.-A. Reynier, F. Servais. To appear in FSTTCS'11.
[2010] Compositional Algorithms for LTL Synthesis. E. Filiot, J. Naiyong and J.-F. Raskin. To appear in International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'10).
[2010] Properties of Visibly Pushdown Transducers.. E. Filiot, J.-F. Raskin, P-A. Reynier, F. Servais and J.-M. Talbot. To appear in 35th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'10).
[2010] Iterated Regret Minimization in Game Graphs. E. Filiot, T. Le Gall and J-F. Raskin. To appear in 35th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'10). Full version.
[2010] Efficient Enumeration for Conjunctive Queries over X-underbar Structures. G. Bagan, A. Durand, E. Filiot and O. Gauwin. To appear in Computer Science Logic (CSL'10).
[2009] An Antichain Algorithm for LTL Realizability. E. Filiot, Jin Naiyong and Jean-François Raskin. Accepted to CAV.
Invited for publication inf Journal of Formal Methods in System Design.
[2008] Tree Automata with Global Constraints. E. Filiot, Jean-Marc Talbot and Sophie Tison. Accepted to DLT. Invited for publication to International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science.
[2008] Regular n-ary queries in trees and variable independence. E. Filiot and S. Tison. Accepted to IFIP TCS.
[2007] Polynomial Time Fragments of XPath with Variables . E. Filiot, J. Niehren,
J.-M. Talbot and S. Tison. Accepted to ACM SIGMOD/PODS'07 International Conference.
[2007] Satisfiability of a Spatial Logic with Tree Variables. E. Filiot,
J.-M. Talbot and S. Tison. Accepted to the 16th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science and Logic (CSL).
Decision problems of tree transducers with origin. Sebastian
Maneth, Pierre-Alain Reynier and Jean-Marc
Talbot. Information and Computation.
Logical and Algebraic Characterizations of Rational
Transductions. With Nathan Lhote and Olivier Gauwin. To appear in LMCS.
Visibly Pushdown Transducers. With Jean-François Raskin,
Pierre-Alain Reynier, Frédéric Servais and Jean-Marc
Talbot. JCSS.
Multi-Sequential Word Relations. Ismaël Jecker, Emmanuel Filiot. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 29(2): 271-296 (2018)
Transducers, Logic and Algebra for Functions of Finite Words. With
Pierre-Alain Reynier. 9th ACM SIGLOG Newsletter.
Quantitative Languages
Defined by Functional Automata. E. Filiot, R. Gentilini,
J.-F. Raskin. Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS).
Meet Your Expectations
with Guarantees: Beyond Worst-Case Synthesis in Quantitative
Games, with V. Bruyère, M. Randour and
J.-F. Raskin. To appear in Information and Computation.
Doomsday Equilibria for
Omega-Regular Games, with K. Chatterjee, L. Doyen and
J.-F. Raskin. To appear in Information and Computation.
Exploiting Structure in
LTL Synthesis. E. Filiot, N. Jin and J.-F. Raskin. Invited
for publication in International Journal on Software Tools for
Technology Transfer. Online first: Springer link.
[2011] Antichains and Compositional Algorithms for LTL Synthesis. E. Filiot, N. Jin and J.-F. Raskin. Extended version of the CAV'09 and ATVA'10 papers. Journal of Formal Methods in System Design. To appear. Springer link.
[2010] Tree Automata with Global Constraints. E. Filiot, Jean-Marc Talbot and Sophie Tison. Invited version of DLT'08. Published in International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Volume 21, Issue 4.
Expressiveness of Visibly Pushdown Transducers, with
M. Caralp, P.-A. Reynier, F. Servais, J.-M. Talbot. Workshop
on Trends in Automata and Transducers Theory.
[2010] Regret Minimization in Game Graphs, Workshop on Timed and Infinite Systems. Warwick University, UK.
[2009] An Antichain Algorithm for LTL Realizability, GAMES'09: Annual Workshop of the ESF Networking Programme on Games for Design and Verification.
[2008] Querying Regular Sets of XML Documents, S. Staworko, E. Filiot, J. Chomicki, Logic in Databases Workshop.
[2006] Composing Monadic Queries in Trees . E. Filiot, J. Niehren,
J.-M. Talbot and S. Tison,
, PLAN-X'06,
Technical Reports
[2010] On Functionality of Visibly Pushdown Transducers. E. Filiot, J.-F. Raskin, P-A. Reynier, F. Servais and J.-M. Talbot. Technical Report.
- [2008] Ph.D. Thesis (in English) Logics for n-ary queries in trees.
- [2005] Master's Thesis (in French) Composition de requêtes monadiques dans les arbres
- Acacia+. A tool for LTL synthesis. Try it online!
- Tree automata libraries for OCaml. No longer maintained.
- Moves newsletter, workpackage 7, Incremental design and verification, 2010.
Selected Talks
- Survey on transductions of finite
words. 2018.
- [2014] First-order Definable Transformations. Slides.Highlights of Logics,
Automata and Games, 2014, Paris.
- [2014] Functional Weighted Automata. Slides.
Dagstuhl seminar on quantitative models. January.
- [2013] From Two-Way to One-Way Finite State Transducers. Slides.
TIFR, Bombay.
- [2013] Transducer Theory and Streaming
Transformations. Slides.
IIT Bombay.
- [2011] Height-Bounded Memory Visibly Pushdown Transductions. CFV Meeting.
- [2011] Antichains and Compositional Algorithms for LTL Synthesis. CFV Meeting.
- [2010] Compositional Algorithms for LTL Synthesis. Gasics Meeting (Aalborg), Move team seminar, ULB, ATVA'10.
- [2010] Iterated Regret Minimization in Game Graphs. Gasics Meeting (Aalborg), Move team seminar, ULB, MFCS'10.
- [2009] Towards Efficient Synthesis of LTL Specifications. FNRS Contact Group on Fundamental Computer Science, Annual Meeting. slides.
- [2009,2010] An antichain algorithm for LTL Realizability, Quasimodo and Gasics Meetings (ULB), LIAFA seminar (Paris 7),
Mostrare seminar (Lille), Logic team of Paris 7, GAMES'09 workshop.
- [2009] Tutorial on Determinization of Büchi Automata, Move team seminar, ULB. slides
- [2008] Tutorial on Query Formalisms on Trees,
LIFL, Lille. slides
- [2008] Tree automata with global constraints, DLT'08, Kyoto
- [2008] Regular n-ary queries and variable independence, MOSTRARE seminar and
IFIP TCS'08, Milano
- [2008] Polynomial-time fragments of XPath with Variables, ANR project ENUM, Paris.
- [2008] Information Extraction, Eurodoc'08, Lille.
- [2007] TQL logic Centre Federe en Verification, Bruxelles.
- [2007] Satisfiability of a Spatial Logic with Tree Variables CSL, Lausanne. slides
[2007] Satisfiability of a Spatial Logic with Tree
Variables, in Mostrare
seminar (Lille), LIF
(Marseille) and Paris 1.
[2007] Poynomial Time Fragments of XPath with Tree
Variables, Mostrare
seminar (Lille) and PODS'07 (Beijing).
[2006] Composing Monadic Queries
in Trees, PLAN-X Workshop, Charleston, USA.
[2006] Binary query composition and application to XPath,
Transformation Languages: logic and applications), Marseille.
[2005] Composition de requetes monadiques dans les arbres,
TraLaLA (XML Transformation Languages: logic and applications), Lille. (in french)
[2005] Composition of monadic queries in
trees, Mostrare
seminar, Lille.
Teaching /
I am teaching Foundations of Computer Science in Bachelor
3rd year at ULB (Course INFO-F-302 Informatique Fondamentale). | | |